Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Creature of Habit

I'm avoiding a great deal of things lately....moving like a machine. I'm taking a leap forward I don't want to do. So I'm avoiding all the things that make me think and feel the fear. I do this every time I am dealing with something large.

"Is that a large elephant in the center of the room?!?.....Hmmm? No! I see....nothing!" (starts biting her lip)

You know what I need? I need a list of things to do to keep my busy! (lol) So I can absorb myself that much further into ignorance! (takes in a deep breath...letting it out softly)

Here is the thing, last night she spoke to me in a dream......we actually talked. This person I do not dare mention..... We talked and we spoke of life. She made me promise to take a leap of faith and let her go. To envision myself standing on a high bridge overlooking clear, moving water below.

Letting her go.....letting her go. (takes a moment to collect her thoughts.....)how many times have I tried to do that? I have lost trac of the exact number honestly.
And according to this apparition, it is as easy as it's forming of the words. (thinks for a moment) leap of faith hu?

(closes her eyes and takes a step forward off the bridge and holds her breath as she leans forward..............)

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